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Bitcoin Colored Power Law (Percentiles)

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Updated 33 minutes ago

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This chart is inspired by @Giovann35084111's post on reddit.

Video Explanation

Bitcoin Colored Power Law Explained

The power law is the linear regression prediction of the log of bitcoin price using the log of time.

Colors Explained

- The color of the point represents the percentile of the price deviation from the power law.
- As the price diverges below the regression line, the markers become more blue.
- As it diverges above the line, the markers become more red.

As always, the logic of this chart and the assumptions derived from it depend on bitcoin’s previous performance being indicative of the future. That is always the case when relying on any sort of linear regression. However, unanticipated events may drastically alter that behavior in the future, so one should not take the price predictions made by this chart as gospel.

Any information found on this page is not to be considered as financial advice. You should do your own research before making any decisions.

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