MVRV Z-Score
A chart showing Bitcoin's historical MVRV-z score.
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UpgradeEach line represents the 2 years before and after the current date in eras of 4 years.
The chart is scaled to the current era, so the current price of BTC is multiplied by the ratio of the era origin to the price at that given time in the era.
For example, if Bitcoin's price is currently $1000, but was was $100 on this day 8 years ago, and then price was $150 200 days later then the era scaled price would be (1000 * 150/100) = $1500.
A chart showing Bitcoin's historical MVRV-z score.
Realized price is the realized market cap divided by total amount of generated coins.
Shows the short term holder realized price and the price of Bitcoin.
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