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4 years multiple

This chart is showing multiple of end of day price compared to the price on the same day 4 years before. This is because reward era (halving) has 4 years period. Color bar on the right side represents number of days until halving.

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Updated 44 seconds ago


4 Years Multiple Explained

The 4 years multiple chart shows what multiple the end of day price of bitcoin is on a day compared to the same day 4 years before. The color legend on the right side of the chart represents how many days are left until the next halving.

How to Calculate 4 Year Multiple

Choose a day on the chart. For example, we could take July 7, 2021. The end of day price on that day was $36,372. Now we divide that number by the end of day price on July 7, 2017. The end of day price on that day was $2,598. When we divide 36,372 by 2,598, we get 14. That is why there is a 14 showing when you hover over the July 7, 2021 date on this chart.

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