Stock to Flow
Shows the projected Bitcoin price based on the stock to flow model.
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UpgradeThis chart simply averages the stock to flow price projection and the power law price projection.
Many have recently argued that the stock to flow price projection is too bullish.
However, those same people also admit that stock to flow has, at minimum, tracked very closely the timing of Bitcoin's increases.
This chart simply averages the stock to flow projection and the power law projection.
This provides a more conservative price projection than the normal stock to flow.
It also adds in a timing aspect of guessing when Bitcoin will increase using stock to flow, which is something that the power law lacks.
Shows the projected Bitcoin price based on the stock to flow model.
Bitcoin’s natural long-term power-law corridor of growth.
A Bitcoin rainbow chart using only the halving dates as data.
Bitbo's charts section offers a wide range of Bitcoin charts and metrics.
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