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Updated 3 minutes ago

Bitcoin Price (USD)

Mayer Multiple

$ 67804.270


The average Mayer Multiple since the creation of Bitcoin is 1.31.
The Mayer Multiple has historically been higher than today's value 55% of the time.


What is Mayer Multiple?

The Mayer Multiple was created by Trace Mayer as a way to analyze the price of Bitcoin in a historical context. It does NOT tell whether to buy, sell or hold. The Mayer Multiple is the multiple of the current Bitcoin price over the 200-day moving average.

Why 2.4?

Simulations performed by Trace Mayer determined that in the past, the best long-term result were achieved by accumulating Bitcoin whenever the Mayer Multiple was below 2.4. Since the simulations were based on historical data, they are purely educational and should not be the basis of any financial decision.

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Any information found on this page is not to be considered as financial advice. You should do your own research before making any decisions.

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