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Supply In Profit

Updated 34 minutes ago
UTXO update 34 minute(s) ago

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Video Explanation

Supply in Profit Explained

This chart shows the % of bitcoin that are in profit by comparing the current price to the price the coin last moved at.

Technical Explanation

This chart looks at the UTXO's to find at what time each coin was last moved.

To find the percentage of coins that were moved at a price lower than the current price to find the percentage of total circulating supply in profit.

How We Calculate

First, we check all bitcoin and get the price each one last moved at.

If current Bitcoin price is higher than the price the coin last moved at, that coin is in profit.

If current Bitcoin price is lower than the price the coin last moved at, that coin is NOT in profit.


Let's say there are only 2 bitcoin:

  • 1 BTC bought at $10,000
  • 1 BTC bought at $90,000

Today's price is $50,000.

  • The BTC bought at $10,000 is in PROFIT.
  • The BTC bought at $90,000 is NOT in profit.

So, in our example above the supply in profit would be 50%.

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