50/200 Day Moving Average
Shows Bitcoin's 50-day and 200-day moving averages with golden and death crosses.
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A moving average is widely used indicator in technical analysis that helps to smooth out the price action by filtering out the noise from random short-term price fluctuations. Simple moving average is basically an arithmetic average of observed periods periods:
So, let's say we want to calculate SMA price for Bitcoin for 3 days:
Below we calculate the simple moving average for bitcoin for a period of 4 years (1458 days). For each day on the graph we sum prices for the previous 1458 days and divide it by 1458 (the arithmetic average). This period of 4 years is important with Bitcoin because this is the period between two halvings (the time between blocks is 10 minutes and halving is happening every 210,000 blocks, which equals 1,458.33 days). Halvings have a significant impact on the Bitcoin price because they cut daily production in half. The history of the SMA 1458 indicator has proven to show a very reliable support for the bitcoin price.
There are two series on this graph:
Shows Bitcoin's 50-day and 200-day moving averages with golden and death crosses.
Projection of Bitcoin's price from today's price based on a repeat of previous cycle.
A Bitcoin rainbow chart using only the halving dates as data.