MVRV Z-Score
A chart showing Bitcoin's historical MVRV-z score.
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This chart shows three things:
Realized price uses the price that a Bitcoin was last moved at as its main data point.
If the realized price oscillator gets high, it could mean Bitcoin's price is rising faster than the coins are actually being used and moved on the network.
Realized price has also often served as price support. A lower realized price could mean that long-term holders who bought at lower prices have not moved their coins yet. When they send their coins to an exchange to sell, the realized price will move up and help create a higher floor.
A chart showing Bitcoin's historical MVRV-z score.
Shows whether Bitcoin is being sold at a profit or loss by comparing the value when spent to the value when acquired.
Shows 4 Bitcoin price models: power law, stock to flow, stock to income, and HPR Rainbow.